Swen Körner is a professor at the German Sport University Cologne and Head of Department for Training Pedagogy and Martial Research. His research is geared towards the optimization of police education and training, practical issues of evidence based violence prevention and the relevance of martial arts in different domains of modern society.
train2fight the virus – possibilities of university online teaching in sports
FROG 2020 – Short Talk
Mario S. Staller (University of Applied Sciences for Police and Administration, North Rhine Westphalia)
The spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany and the general restrictions on social contacts decided upon pose major challenges for institutional teaching and learning settings (Koerner & Staller, 2020). In March 2020, a collective helplessness quickly spread among many lecturers at the German Sport University Cologne (DSHS), one of the world’s most renowned sport universities, as a result of the ban on face-to-face teaching. While online based solutions were already known and proven for theory courses primary dealing with cognitive contents, for online practical teaching using electronic devices for the learning of motor and tactical skills neither experience nor orientation was available. In order for the practical teaching to take place under conditions of COVID-19 innovative and adapted solutions were in need, which at the same time at least principally meet the demands of the respective university curriculum. In the case of DSHS` regular “self-defence” module, this meant that students had to be enabled to “understand and practically apply basic principles of self-defence” (DSHS, 2020) by means of online teaching. The paper presents the conceptual framework of DSHS` university “self-defence” course developed specifically for this challenge, in which elements of gamification (Schell, 2008; Fischer et al., 2017) play a driving role.