Daniela Hau is part of the innovation department at SCRIPT (Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques). Her work and research focuses on digital game-based learning, AI and media literacy. She is also a member of the ET2020 working group “Digital Education: Learning, Teaching and Assessment”. In March 2019, Daniela has completed her second Master’s degree in MediaGaming Pedagogy. In her “free-time” she works as a secondary school teacher for economics and (digital) communication in Luxembourg.
Digital games@school… does it really work?
FROG 2020 – Short Talk
Despite a broad consensus in research on the potential of digital games to promote learning, they have so far hardly been used in formal educational contexts. An exploratory study on the use of digital games in schools was set up to understand this discrepancy: In twelve teaching projects, important input and process variables as well as (learning) outcomes of digital game-based learning were examined. Overall, the results point out that computer games are an effective didactic instrument, which, however, must be didactically integrated into the lessons by the teacher. The selection of the game, the duration of the game and the transfer from the digital to the real world proved to be particularly relevant for a positive learning outcome.