FROG 2017

FROG – Future and Reality of Gaming

11th Vienna Games Conference
Vienna City Hall, Austria
Friday, 13th October – Sunday, 15th October 2017

While thousands of enthusiastic players are gathering annually at the Game City in the Vienna City Hall, the FROG invites to an academic discourse on the subject of games. The international conference brings together scholars, players, students, game designers, game developers, educators and experts from various disciplines to discuss the Future and Reality of Gaming.

This year’s FROG will focus on the players and illuminates the research field from “The Player Perspective” in any of its various manifestations.

Call for Papers | FROG 

Submission Guidelines

POLLIWOG – preFROG conference & workshop
Federal Ministry of Families and Youth, Vienna

Wednesday, 11th October 2017
preFROG conference (held German/Deutsch)
with Prof. Dr. Winfred Kaminski (TH Köln)
The one-day conference will focus on the topic “Erlaubt ist, was gefällt!? Computerspiele zwischen Ethik und Ästhetik” with thematic talks and poster sessions.

Call for Posters | preFROG

Thursday, 12th October 2017
preFROG workshop: One day crash course in Educational game design
with Jonas Linderoth (University of Gothenburg)
Participants of the one-day workshop will get insights into the game based techniques of Classification card games (CCG) and Quantitative relation awareness games (QRAG).

The conference is funded by the Federal Ministry of Families and Youth (bmfj) and organized by the Center for Applied Game Studies (Donau-Universität Krems).

