Natalie Denk has a degree in Educational Science (University of Vienna) and Game Studies (Danube University Krems). Her research focuses on Game-based Learning, Educational Game Design and the examination of age and gender aspects in relation to digital games. Since 2014 she has been involved in several national and international research projects at the Center for Applied Game Studies at the Danube University Krems. Furthermore, she is responsible for the university courses “Game Studies”, “Media Game Pedagogy” and “Action Oriented Media Pedagogy”. Since July 2019 she acts as Head of the Center.
Esports and related phenomena of today’s gaming culture – opportunity, challenge and necessity for educational work
FROG 2020 – Poster Presentation
Alexander Pfeiffer (Danube University Krems)
Thomas Wernbacher (Danube University Krems)
Digital games have long since become an important part of today’s youth culture and for a large proportion of young people, gaming is a popular leisure activity – regardless of gender, social and cultural background. Around this fascination for digital game(s) a “gaming culture” has developed. However, here, not only the mere consumption of digital games plays a role. It is rather about active participation in a media landscape shaped by digital games. Young people exchange information (online and offline) about their favorite games and trends, watch, create and share “Let’s Play” videos and gameplay streams or follow their favorite gamers on various social media channels. Of growing importance in the gaming culture of young people (in Austria and worldwide) is also Esports – the organized competitive play of digital games. Active participation in the gaming culture reveals a number of competences, for example in ICT or creativity. Furthermore, the gaming culture and the resulting phenomena have a significant influence on everyday life, but also on the development of pupils and, as a consequence, shape our society. It is therefore high time to pay attention to these developments in the educational sector, to take up potentials and also to face up to the associated challenges. The poster contribution sheds light on the topic of esports and related phenomena in educational work from different perspectives and provides insights into ongoing projects – above all the E-Sport Schulliga Wien 21/22.