Katharina Mittlböck

  • Work: “Play & Learn” at the Zentrum für Lerntechnologie & Innovation, University College of Teacher Education Vienna. Several Lectureships.
  • Degrees: Education & Special Education, University of Vienna & Educational Technology, Danube University Krems.
  • Several publications in the fields of Game Studies & Personality Development, PhD candidate (nearly finished 😉 )

Zentrum für Lerntechnologie & Innovation, University College of Teacher Education Vienna (start: Sept. 2017)

Digital Game Psychoanalysis – A Methodical Approach

Panel talk, FROG main conference | Saturday, 14th October, 17:00 – 17:30

The focus of this contribution is on a new methodical approach for the research on the relevance of digital role-playing games for the players’ personality development from a psychoanalytical point of view.Following to some extent Lorenzer’s (1986) and König’s (2001) Cultural Analysis and In-Depth Hermeneutics and Hamburger’s (2017) and Zwiebel’s (2006) Film Psychoanalysis, I apply these two approaches to the act of playing and implement methodical modifications owed to the characteristic of the object of research. In the course of this the following pattern emerged: 1.  Theoretical contexts were 2.  linked to symbols-providing material from a game and 3.  self reflective findings deriving from the act of playing.The theses-generating process of searching and understanding is spiraling along the above-mentioned three recurring stops: theory – game – self-reflection.The submitted contribution shows this methodical approach, gives illustrating examples and raises outstanding issues on the applicability of this approach to gain a broader insight in the impact of gaming.


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