Dr. Mathias Lux is Associate Professor at the Institute for Information Technology (ITEC) at Klagenfurt University. He is working on user intentions in multimedia retrieval and üroduction, semantics in social multimedia systems, and interactive multimedia in the domain of video games. In his scientific career he has (co-) authored more than 100 scientific publications, serves in multiple program committees and as reviewer of international conferences, journals and magazines on a regular basis, and has (co-)organized multiple scientific events. Mathias Lux is also well known for the development of the award winning and popular open source tools Caliph & Emir and LIRE for multimedia information retrieval. He has integrated image indexing and retrieval features in the popular Apache Solr search server and his system is for instance powering the WIPO Global Brand Database. At Klagenfurt University he has established a lively community of game developers and enthusiasts who meet at regular events and game jams.
Dr. Michael Alexander Riegler is a senior researcher at Simula center for digitalisation (SimulaMet) and Oslo University. He received his PhD from Simula Research Laboratory/University of Oslo in 2017, and a Master’s degree (with distinction) from Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria. His research interests include: medical image and video analysis and understanding, image processing, image retrieval, parallel processing, gamification and serious games, crowdsourcing, social computing and user intentions.
Dr. Pål Halvorsen is a chief research scientist at Simula center for digitalisation (SimulaMet), a professor in computer science at University of Oslo and CEO of ForzaSys AS. His research interests are in the area of system support for medical and sport technologies including for example system-level optimizations, distributed systems, image and video analysis and sensor data processing.
E-Sports and Audience: Challenges for Broadcasting on the Example of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Lecture, Saturday, 20th October, 15:00 – 15:30
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (short CS:GO) is a popular e-sports that has been around for years now. Tournaments are organized by the ESL, Valve and other major players and professional teams can earn their living with sponsorships and prize money. Moreover, popular tournaments are watched by hundreds of thousands viewers. In CS:GO matches two teams of five players try to overcome each other in a military setting. Typical matches last for an hour and more and each of the players generates a video stream resulting in ten and more hours of video, not all entertaining and informative for the audience. In this talk we focus on how CS:GO matches and their video streams relate to traditional sports broadcasting, what the challenges for summarization are and give an outlook on how computer science and multimedia research in particular might help.