Markus Meschik is a social worker and head of “Enter”, an NGO dedicated to the counselling of families and institutions on the topic of digital games in education. He is an expert for the “BUPP” of the Federal Chancellery and is currently working on his PhD- Thesis on excessive gaming behaviour and related media education strategies at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz.
Continue? – About excessive gaming behaviour and the handling of related phenomena in education
Lecture, Saturday, 20th October, 16:00 – 16:30
The increasing popularity of digital games as a pastime among a great many children, adolescents and adults poses new challenges for pedagogical and social professions and also is a cause of concern for many guardians.
Critical aspects such as addictive potential as well as potentially problematic financing models and gambling elements in digital games also need to be considered and adequately addressed in pedagogical practice.
As part of my dissertation I am creating a survey of studies on on addiction in digital games and exploring existing media education strategies of guardians. The aim is to explore these strategies and, based on those, develop conceptual guidelines that can support educators and parents in successful media addicition prevention in particular and media education in general.