Daniela Bruns works as a University Assistant at the Department of Media and Communications at the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt in Austria. She holds a bachelor in Economics and a diploma in Media Theory and Cultural Studies from the University of Klagenfurt. Her main research interests include Cultural Studies, Popular Culture, Game Design and Video Games between escapism and activism.
Negotiating Fun and Seriousness: Towards a Learning/Gaming Experience of Popular Video Games
Lecture, Saturday, 20th October, 11:30 – 12:00
The distinction between entertainment and serious content is still very present in the European society, which especially applies to the sector of video games. Although video games got integrated in higher culture through their connection to art, literature and as a medium for political critique, the popular ones often remain unnoticed when it is about to offer more than just fun and entertainment. The category of “serious games” approves this proposition in contrast to the lack of genres like “serious books” or “serious films”. This presentation explores strategies of artistic/political games as part of popular games in the context of a learning/gaming experience to open up a discussion about their potential of activating the gaming community to participate in a critical dialogue.