Jonas Linderoth is a professor in education, currently at the university of Gothenburg. He is most known for his work about game perception from an ecological perspective, where he argues that games have very specific conditions for learning. He teaches courses such as Educational Game Design, Games and Simulations as Learning Environments and Game based learning in educational environments.
University of Gothenburg
Educational game design – breaking the fundamental rules of the craft
Panel talk, FROG main conference | Sunday, 15th October, 09:00 – 09:30
Drawing upon experiences from teaching students to design educational games Jonas Linderoth explores the tension between good game design and good educational practices. Jonas points out that what is good for entertainment value, user experience, immersion and flow does not necessarily make out design patterns that are good when you design for education. A popular argument is that education should learn from the world of gaming. The key point of this talk is that game design also have a lot to learn from the field of education.