Eugen Pfister

Eugen Pfister is a researcher at the Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre history (ÖAW) and lecturerer at the University of Vienna. Founding Member of the research group “Geschichtswissenschaft und Digitale Spiele”. Since 2015 he operates a research blog on cultural studies and video games called “Spiel-Kultur-Wissenschaft.

Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre history (ÖAW) & University of Vienna.

Politics in Games: How (we) players are potentially socialized in digital games

Keynote, FROG main conference | Saturday, 14th October, 15:00 – 16:00

“Whatever we know about society, or indeed about the world in which we live, we know through the mass media” (Niklas Luhman). All information we acquire in mass media frames our future cultural, economic, social and political knowledge. This means that we are also partly socialised in video game. Our collective identities are a result not only of our upbringing and education, but also of our interaction with mass media, especially when related to the more abstract concepts of politics and society. The further away such knowledge is from the experience of our everyday life, the more likely we are to learn it in popular culture.


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