Michael Fleischhacker is a teacher and media educator who has been working intensively with the use of digital tools and games in the educational sector for the last few years. Besides the further development of Flipped Classroom in the classroom, he was co-founder of the first Floridsdorf esport school league. Furthermore, he implements numerous Minecraft projects in the Austrian education sector and is founder of the digital innovation lab “Space 21 Future” in Floridsdorf.
Building a cross-school media lab based on playful learning principles for children and young people in the midst of the Covid-19 situation. A field report.
FROG 2020 – Poster Presentation
Sandra Stella-Pfeiffer (Danube University Krems)
Alexander Pfeiffer (Danube University Krems / MIT Education Arcade)
The Covid-19 crisis has clearly shown that despite attempts by committed teachers and administrative officials, applied media education is not yet where it should be in order to achieve lifeworld and practice-oriented teaching in elementary and middle schools. Therefore, it was decided in Vienna to set up the Space 21 Future as an interdisciplinary cross-school lab and to develop concepts that take into account the didactic and organizational aspects of such a project. This report shows the considerations behind this project and how to build such a lab in the midst of the Covid-19 situation and its inherent limitations in times of the crises. Especially the aspect of playing-learning as a didactic principle of this project is addressed. Furthermore, it will show how the goals can be achieved despite a possible constant change between classroom teaching and home schooling.
Minecraft in the Covid-19 crisis connects
FROG 2020 – Poster Presentation
The Covid 19 crisis and the lockdown had a major impact on learning behaviour and time management in individual families. During the close living together in their own four walls, conflicts often arose regarding the play consumption of their own children. For this reason the Minecraft Environmental Challenge 2020 was developed to support families in their learning process and play consumption. The aim of this project was also to show the educational sector how valuable play can be in educational processes. The present report shows the approaches and processes of this project, which was supported at federal and provincial level. Furthermore, it is shown how a distance learning process is supported with a sandbox game, which effects this has on the family situation and which creative processes were triggered in pupils. Furthermore, the skills of the pupils are highlighted and the change between home schooling and classroom is discussed.