Linda Rustemeier (M.A.) is an elearning expert and has been a member of staff at studiumdigitale since 2016, the center of innovations on technology enhanced learning at Goethe University Frankfurt. She researches in the field of Serious Games, qualification of supplemental instructors and digital accessibility (HessenHub).
Maria Ahmed
Eike Henrich
Detlef Krömker
Diversity-sensitive agile software development with Scrum as a simulation game: SimScrumPlan saves time and costs
FROG 2023 – Talk
The following exposé would like to introduce the online simulation game concept “ScrumSimPlan” (in German:, which was developed with the aim of bringing Scrum closer to the players, primarily computer science students, but open for everyone interested. It’s concept follows diversity sensible and digital accessiblity guidelines. In the beginning a user-centered approach was chosen for the implementation, which includes a constant exchange of ideas with Scrum experts and users. It is developed as a process of students theses. The online simulation game is played with at least four people and the players take on the Scrum roles, Scrum Master, Product Owner and Developer. One after the other in four rounds. Within one day, the entire Scrum process is simulated, a facilitator accompanies the process and the game is supplemented with typical scenarios, such as the execution of a priority estimate. In addition, the players have to overcome common obstacles that occur when applying Scrum and agile methods. With the help of gamification elements, the motivation to learn the Scrum process is to be increased what saves not only time, but money for the companies the students or one will work for.