Mario Staller is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences for Police and Administration North Rhine Westphalia in the Department of Policing. His research focuses on the professionalization of police education and training both on a practical and an organizational level. Furthermore, current research projects include evidence-based violence prevention and coach development within these settings.
Is there more? – On the (non-)definition of gamified teaching
FROG 2020 – Short Talk
Swen Körner (German Sport University Cologne, Department for Training Pedagogy and Martial Research)
The gamification of higher education has potential (Bai et al., 2020; Sailer & Sailer, 2020). The range of possibilities for gamification is diverse and does not appear to be definitively determined (Toda et al., 2019). However, there is consensus that gamification must not impair the effectiveness of learning setting (operationalized as learning that has taken place) in higher education (Fischer et al., 2017). Accordingly, empirical research on the effectiveness of gamification focuses mainly on its direct benefits (e.g., motivation, commitment, learning process performance, retention or application of the taught content). The focus on the effectiveness of a gamified learning environment seems to encourage the application of game-design elements that are primarily related to performance (progress, development and feedback): Points, levels, challenges, trophies, rankings. Thus there is a danger that design elements with primary effects, which are more on an emotional level, are less focused upon limiting the gamified learning experience or not developing the full potential of a gamified learning setting. This article discusses possibilities of an open gamification environment on the basis of a case study in a psychology course at a police academy. The focus is on the planning and reflection process of the teaching, which transcends the possible restrictive definition of gamification.