Gernot Hausar

Gernot Hausar is a Historian based in Vienna, Austria. Interests & research include information exchange & transfer, digital humanities, hackers, net-policy, eLearning, OCR, games & data mining.

University of Vienna / University of Applied Sciences FH Campus

Being mean in Space – The Player Ecosystem of EVE Online (Suggested track: players gaining power)

Panel talk, FROG main conference | Sunday, 15th October, 14:15 – 14:45

EVE Online from icelandic CCP-Games has a lot of innovative approaches for including players in the game development process. Through this and their very permissive in-game rule system for play, a lot of player initiatives have developed as an addition to the official channels between players and developers. This results in a lot of innovative play styles and tactics and a thriving eco-system in-and out of game with a faithful player-base.In this talk I give an overview and evaluation of the different channels between developers and players and how this fits into “playing” the game.


2 Replies to “Gernot Hausar”

  1. Here you can find the 2014 trailer for EVE Online, where CCP Games used player content for a trailer, to get some feel for the game:

    [over 18]

    “This is EVE” – Uncensored (2014):

    EVE Online is the massively multiplayer sci-fi universe that has captivated countless gamers’ imaginations for over a decade. “This is EVE” takes you into the game using in-game footage and the voice comms of actual players. Battle cries, calls to action, cheers of victory, panicked escapes…

  2. Some background articles:

    Bernard, Jessie (1954): The Theory of Games of Strategy as a Modern Sociology of Conflict. In: American Journal of Sociology 59 (5), S. 411–424.

    Feix, Jeff (2006): Evil and Human Agency. Understanding Collective Evildoing. In: Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online 34 (2), S. 262.

    Gee, James Paul: Good Video Games and Good Learning. University of Madison. Madison. Online verfügbar unter

    Golub, Alex (2010): Being in the World (Of Warcraft). Raiding, Realism, and Knowledge Production in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. In: Anthropological Quarterly 83 (1), S. 17–45.

    Khanolkar, Preeti R.; McLean, Paul D. (2012): 100-Percenting It. Videogame Play Through the Eyes of Devoted Gamers. In: Sociological Forum 27 (4), S. 961–985.

    Losh, Elizabeth (2009): Regulating Violence in Virtual Worlds: Theorizing Just War and Defining War Crimes in World of Warcraft. In: Pacific Coast Philology 44 (2), S. 159–172. Online verfügbar unter

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