Gernot Hausar is a Historian based in Vienna, Austria. Interests & research include information exchange & transfer, digital humanities, hackers, net-policy, eLearning, OCR, games & data mining.
University of Vienna / University of Applied Sciences FH Campus
Being mean in Space – The Player Ecosystem of EVE Online (Suggested track: players gaining power)
Panel talk, FROG main conference | Sunday, 15th October, 14:15 – 14:45
EVE Online from icelandic CCP-Games has a lot of innovative approaches for including players in the game development process. Through this and their very permissive in-game rule system for play, a lot of player initiatives have developed as an addition to the official channels between players and developers. This results in a lot of innovative play styles and tactics and a thriving eco-system in-and out of game with a faithful player-base.In this talk I give an overview and evaluation of the different channels between developers and players and how this fits into “playing” the game.
Here you can find the 2014 trailer for EVE Online, where CCP Games used player content for a trailer, to get some feel for the game:
[over 18]
“This is EVE” – Uncensored (2014):
EVE Online is the massively multiplayer sci-fi universe that has captivated countless gamers’ imaginations for over a decade. “This is EVE” takes you into the game using in-game footage and the voice comms of actual players. Battle cries, calls to action, cheers of victory, panicked escapes…
Some background articles:
Bernard, Jessie (1954): The Theory of Games of Strategy as a Modern Sociology of Conflict. In: American Journal of Sociology 59 (5), S. 411–424.
Feix, Jeff (2006): Evil and Human Agency. Understanding Collective Evildoing. In: Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online 34 (2), S. 262.
Gee, James Paul: Good Video Games and Good Learning. University of Madison. Madison. Online verfügbar unter
Golub, Alex (2010): Being in the World (Of Warcraft). Raiding, Realism, and Knowledge Production in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. In: Anthropological Quarterly 83 (1), S. 17–45.
Khanolkar, Preeti R.; McLean, Paul D. (2012): 100-Percenting It. Videogame Play Through the Eyes of Devoted Gamers. In: Sociological Forum 27 (4), S. 961–985.
Losh, Elizabeth (2009): Regulating Violence in Virtual Worlds: Theorizing Just War and Defining War Crimes in World of Warcraft. In: Pacific Coast Philology 44 (2), S. 159–172. Online verfügbar unter