Jonas Linderoth
Professor, University of Gothenburg
Jonas Linderoth is a professor in education and has worked with issues surrounding game based learning since the late nineties. He has been awarded the title ”distinguished scholar” by DiGRA (Digital Game Research Association) and he is a scientific advisor for the Swedish media council.
One day crash course in Educational game design (preFROG workshop on October 12th)
Speaks aboutWinfred Kaminski
Professor, TH Köln
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Winfred Kaminski was a professor of Cultural Studies at the Technological University of Cologne (TH Köln) until 2015 where he was managing director of the Institute of Media Research and Media Education. In 2006 he founded (together with Martin
Lorber) the biannual International Computer Game Conference "Clash of Realities". During the last two decades he published essays on computer games and edited several books.
Computerspiele: Ästhetisch aufwendig, ethisch fragwürdig? Aspekte einer problematischen Entgegensetzung (preFROG conference on October 11th)
Speaks aboutJudith Ackermann
Professor, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Judith Ackermann is professor of Digital Media in Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and visiting professor at Politecnico di Milano’s School of Design. She is initiator of the urban games festival playin’ siegen. Her research includes hybrid realities, (location-based) Gaming, Performance, Design as Research, Media education.
Ästhetik und Ethik im spielerischen Konflikt (preFROG conference on October 11th)
Speaks aboutChristian Klager
Research assistant, University of Rostock
Dr. Christian Klager is a research assistant for philosophy and didactics of philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Rostock. He studied philosophy, German philology and educational science. His dissertation deals with the philosophical meanings of game in methodological terms and was awarded the Joachim Jungius Prize.
Die Ethik im Als-ob. Dimensionen der Moral im Spiel (preFROG conference on October 11th)
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