Dr. Thomas-Gabriel Rüdiger is a criminologist at the Institute of Police Science at the University of Police of the State of Brandenburg. As one of the first representatives of the field of cybercriminology in Germany, his research interests focus on digital crime, digital policing and criminological theories in digital space. He wrote his doctoral thesis at the University of Hamburg on cybergrooming. He is author and editor of a large number of academic publications and a frequently quoted interview partner and regularly advises political decision makers.
The risk of Cybergrooming in Onlinegames
FROG 2020 – Short Talk
Children of all ages meet in onlinegames unknown players from all over the world in a playful environment. However, children can also be confronted with the dark sides of other gamers (fraud, hatespeech but also cybergrooming). Cybergrooming describes a form of behaviour in which an offender communicates with a child to enable sexual abuse of the child. Offenders use the playful experience with children, low protection mechanisms and partly also the harmless graphics of some games. The presentation will discuss onlinegames as platforms for cybergrooming, prevention strategies and the responsibility of the society (parents, companies, police).